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Privacy policy

Last update: 2023-02-06

Neuralisa loves you as you are and tries to respect your privacy as much as possible.

No ads or tracking scripts are used on the site.

The site does not collect personal data. And I perhaps I don’t even need this privacy policy here. But hey, you’re reading this and I appreciate you a lot for going the extra mile.

The site uses local storage to save your theme preference on your device if you use the theme picker available on top of the site. You can purge local storage of your browser any time and the site will continue to work. If your browser configuration blocks local storage, the site will still work, but your theme preference will not be saved.

The site respects your color scheme and motion preferences if you have them set up in your operating system.

No website analytics are used on the site. Should that ever change, privacy-respecting analytics will be used and relevant information about them will appear here.

If you have any questions or concerns, you can contact me online or send me postal mail.